
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Word Work Centers: Part 3

Okay... last word work center post for you!  Here are the last 4 centers that I use in my classroom during the daily five.

In this center, the kids stamp words from the word wall or their dictionary using these cute little stamps I got from the dollar section at Target.  You can tell that these stamp pads are well worn-- this is a popular center for my firsties!

The next center is sight word bingo.  This comes from my word work centers pack {which is also available in Spanish}.  Students take turns picking a word from the bag, and both students cover the word with a bean.  The first student to make a row vertically or horizontally wins.  BINGO!!

This is similar to a center I mentioned in a previous post.  The students use vocabulary cards and make the words with magnets.  I like the big ones, but I know that you can usually get small ones for $1 at the dollar tree or sometimes in the dollar section at Target.  I have a magnetic wall in my classroom, but these letters can also be used on the side of a desk or on a cookie sheet.

And last but not least-- make a word memory game.  The students turn over the cards and take turns picking two cards to see if they make a word.  I tried *super* hard to not allow for combinations that make inappropriate words... ha.  If the two cards make a word, they write the word in their center journals and keep the cards.  At the end of the game, the student with the most cards wins!  This game also comes from my word work center pack, which I will be giving away in my VERY next post.  Stay tuned for your chance to win :)

Thanks for reading my series of posts on word work, I hope that you found them helpful!

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