
Sunday, November 18, 2012


I have so much to be thankful for, so I am linking up with a Year of Many First's to blog about it!

1.  My family:  I love living close to both mine & my husband's families.  They are wonderful.

2.  My husband:  Chad & I have had our ups and downs over the last 4 1/2 years of marriage, but through it all we have grown closer together.  I love that he makes me laugh on a daily basis!

3.   My church family:  We have found the most amazing group of believers to walk through life with.

4.  A roof over my head and food to eat:  I take this for granted daily, but am reminded at this time of year how much of a blessing it is to have my basic needs met.

5.  Amazing girlfriends:  I love sharing life with them.  I am blessed to have great friends from high school, college, and church

6.  My students:  I have the sweetest group of kids this year and love that I get to make a difference in their lives each day
{sorry, no picture since I'm not allowed to put pictures of my kiddos on the internet...}

7.  My job:  I am grateful that in this economy, I have a place to go to work every day.  I love teaching!

8.  My puppy:  Our little Lucy is so spunky & sweet.  She is definitely our furry child.

9.  My education:  I am grateful to have been able to attend Texas A&M and to have my education paid for.  What a huge blessing that I take for granted each day.

10.  TpT & the teacher blog world:  I have found amazing fellow bloggers this year and I am loving the community of teachers out there.  I am thankful to those who take a chance on buying my products and follow my blog, TpT store, or FB page.  Which would be you if you are reading this :).  A big thank you from me to you-- and Happy Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

  1. I have nominated you for a Leibster award! It is an award to attract more followers to your blog. Read all about it on my blog
