
Saturday, April 27, 2013

MIA & The Leader in Me

I realized that is has been almost 6 weeks since I last posted a blog... ohmagoodness.  In the midst of STAAR testing, family birthdays, and just plain busyness this little blog has been ignored.  But I'm back!

Is anyone familiar with "The Leader in Me"?  It is a book by Stephen Covey, and some schools adopt this method to encourage leadership on their campuses.  I am in the middle of reading the book and am so excited and motivated to begin using it in my classroom next year.  My campus is going to slowly ease into using it, and I am planning to be a part of the committee that gets it started.

Essentially, the goal of the program is to teach students about the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids.
What I love about the program is that these habits are not taught in isolation.  They are introduced at the beginning of the year, and then tied into lessons all throughout the rest of the school year.  One example is teaching "Begin with the End in Mind" in relation to inventors.  They didn't succeed the first time they tried to invent their product, but they knew what their ultimate goal was and kept on trying.

In anticipation of next year,  I decided that I wanted to print out the 7 Habits in pretty color mini posters and frame them to hang up in my classroom.  What I discovered, though, was that there are not any cute 7 habits posters in Spanish for sale on the TpT store.  SO... I got busy creating some of my own.  If you would like this set for free, just comment below and let me know whether or not you have heard of/ used the Leader in Me.  The first 5 commenters will receive the set for free via email.  I would love any suggestions from people who have used this as to what has worked or not worked for you in your classroom or on your campus!